

Riccardo Boiocchi's PhD defense

Riccardo defended his PhD thesis November 10th 2016

DANVA 2016

Both Barth F. Smets and Marlene Mark Jensen oral presentations during the Dansk Vand conference November 8th-9th in Århus. Find more information here.


Come and listen to the presentation by Riccardo Boiocchi. "Performance Evaluation of a Single-stage Partial Nitritation-Anammox within the Context of a Plant-wide Wastewater Treatment Plant" at the 3rd IWA Specialized International conference “Ecotechnologies for waterwater treatment” (ecoSTP16), 27-30 June 2016, Cambridge, UK.

Come and listen to the presentation by Riccardo Boiocchi. " Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of a Model Describing Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants" at the 3rd IWA Specialized International conference “Ecotechnologies for waterwater treatment” (ecoSTP16), 27-30 June 2016, Cambridge, UK.


In the 5th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2016, 2 - 6 April 2016) in Annecy (France), Carlos Domingo-Felez will present a poster on “Optimal experimental design for N2O model calibration during biological nitrogen removal”

NORDIWA November 2015

Come and listen to our presentation at NORDIWA in Bergen. Title: Influence of aeration strategy on N2O emission and nitrite-oxidising bacteria repression in a mainstream nitritation-anammox MBBR by Sara Ekström et al.

For further information, take a look at:


ICON4 June-July 2015 

Poster at ICON 4 in Canada. Title: Challenges encountered calibrating N2O dynamics from mixed cultures by Carlos D. Feléz et al.

For further information, take a look at:



Two oral presentations: (a) Fuzzy-logic control design methodology for biological systems. An application case study on the partial nitritation/anammox treatment and (b)  Extensions of the Benchmark Simulation Model with processes for Nitrous oxide and side-stream partial nitritation/Anammox treatment by Riccardo Boiocchi.

For further information, take a look at:


CAPEC-PROCESS Industrial Consortium Annual Meeting June 2015 

Poster presentation: Systematic design of fuzzy-logic control for biological systems. Application to a partial nitritation/Anammox system by Riccardo Boiocchi.


PSE2015/ESCAPE25 conference May-June 2015 

Poster presentation: Extending the Benchmark Simulation Model no2 with processes for nitrous oxide production and side-stream nitrogen removal by Riccardo Boiocchi.

For further information, take a look at:


Project Meeting May 2015

Successful project meeting held at DTU Environment May 2015

The LaGas project members and researchers have met in Lyngby to discuss progress and preliminary results of the first part of the LaGas project.

The meeting consisted of presentations by the PhD students on their experiments and field measurements so far and plans for the near future. There was two nice guest lectures by David Gustavsson, VASYD on the pilot-scale main-stream anammox system and visiting Kartik Chandran, Columbia University, on nitrous oxide research from an US perspective.


After a successful meeting, the students and researchers will now continue according to planning.


Nordic Process Control  workshop Jan 2015 

Oral presentation: Investigation of tuning of a fuzzy-logic control for biological wastewater treatment systems by Riccardo Boiocchi.


IBBA workshop in Kiel 2014 

Full-scale quantification of CH4 emissions from wastewater treatment plants and biogas facilities by Antonio Delre. Abstract published on SGC website: