Welcome to the project: LaGas
LaGas is funded by The Danish Council for Strategic Research (Det Strategiske Forskningsråd). The project is focused on investigating the production of laughing gas (N2O) in wastewater treatment operations. Laughing gas (N2O) is a greenhouse gas 300 times stronger than CO2 and a dominant ozone destroying chemical. Biological processes - the same that are essential for removing polluting reactive nitrogen from wastewaters - are potential sources of N2O. Our goal is to untangle the mystery behind the biological production and consumption of N2O by understanding the mechanisms and factors that control N2O production and emission during wastewater treatment operations. This will be linked to intensive off-gas and liquid measurements of N2O. We will capture this information in new predictive models, both on small and large scale, and we will identify, implement and test new mitigation measures and technologies to control N2O emissions.
LaGas consist of a highly interdisciplinary and engaging consortium with both national and international scientific partners as well as industrial partners and end-users. The project is led by the Department of Environmental Engineering at theTechnical University of Denmark (DTU) (DTU Env) with Prof. Barth F. Smets as the project manager The Management Board contains members from the Department of Environmental Engineering (DTU Env), Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (DTU), University of Southern Denmark, Krüger A/S, Veolia Water, Unisense A/S and Copenhagen Wastewater Innovation.